Butterfly Effect Project Soars With Growing Numbers - 27 East

Butterfly Effect Project Soars With Growing Numbers

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"Butterflies" enjoy their Thanksgiving meeting. KATE RIGA

"Butterflies" enjoy their Thanksgiving meeting. KATE RIGA

"Butterflies" enjoy their Thanksgiving meeting. KATE RIGA

Tijuana Fulford

Tijuana Fulford

 founder of the Butterfly Effect Project. KATE RIGA

founder of the Butterfly Effect Project. KATE RIGA

"Butterflies" enjoy their Thanksgiving meeting. KATE RIGA

Left to right

Left to right

"butterflies" Andriana Williams



 of Mastic and Jae'Vanna Wilford

of Mastic and Jae'Vanna Wilford



 of Riverside. KATE RIGA

of Riverside. KATE RIGA

"Butterflies" enjoy their Thanksgiving meeting. KATE RIGA

Left to right

Left to right

"butterfly" Tarahji Langhorn



 of Flanders and soon-to-be-butterfly Amira Turner

of Flanders and soon-to-be-butterfly Amira Turner



 of Bellport. KATE RIGA

of Bellport. KATE RIGA

authorKate Riga on Nov 20, 2017
Tijuana Fulford stands in the corner of the cavernous, bright room in the Riverhead Senior Center, momentarily still and apart from the cheerful chaos. The room is sprinkled with Thanksgiving... more

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