Change The Lanes - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1834195

Change The Lanes

We all know County Road 39 is a huge and dangerous road now. We know the speed limit is 35 mph, and everyone travels in excess of 50 mph. And, as you know, the “trade parade” in and out of Southampton is atrocious.

On the morning of November 4, at around 5:45 a.m., there was an accident just east of Sandy Hollow Road. Multiple vehicles and a truck were involved. The vehicles were off on the sidewalk (no breakdown lane) in the right lane, causing congestion, aggravating other drivers, who were not stopping but honking their horns as they passed by and speeding away.

You are all aware of the speeds traveled on this road: It is like a raceway in the morning, cars swerving back and forth and honking horns, and the trucks bouncing over the bumps and holes. Now that daylight has diminished, driving has become more dangerous.

Widening the road and taking land via eminent domain led to an increase of traffic and speed. Rotaries or traffic circles are not a solution or a viable option, just more accidents. Because each driver thinks they have the right of way, are in a rush, or just plain do not understand driving or the rules of the road.

Example: The light to make a left onto Sandy Hollow Road — people do not want to wait at the light and do not know how to enter and exit the turning lane. Now, they bypass the light to enter the turning lane just after the light to make a left, crossing westbound traffic to enter Sandy Hollow Road.

I have had many close calls leaving my residence and heading west, entering the turning lane to make a left onto North Bishop Street. Motorists attempt to bypass the left at the light by driving in the turning lane, almost causing head-on collisions. They think that they have the right of way. To use a turning lane, you enter at where you want to make your turn and stop — but it has become a travel lane now.

Time to reduce the deaths, accidents and problems.

A traffic control car with lights on and flashing in the mornings would slow traffic. There should be no left turns the length of County Road 39. All roads onto and off County Road 39 should be “no right on red.” Maybe consider removing the center turning lane from Shrubland Road to Sandy Hollow Road and gain a safety lane again.

The problem is the motorists — there is no control by police, and we do not have enough to patrol County Road 39.

Something must be done to save lives, and to keep our road and motorists safe.

Tim McCarthy
