Common Denominator - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1503732
Jul 29, 2019

Common Denominator

As if on cue, The Southampton Press has taken the side of free breakfast for all of the Southampton Elementary School students [“Gold Stars and Dunce Caps,” Editorial, July 18]. This should come as no surprise, given The Press’s record when it comes to education reform.

Let’s look at their record: in favor of extending the school day by two hours, in favor of the merger with Tuckahoe Common School, in opposition to opting out of the New York State tests for grades three to eight. The common denominator: more government. More government control, more government taxes for the Southampton taxpayers, more government regulation.

If the new New York State religious exemption law on vaccines stands, how can we anticipate The Southampton Press to report on this matter? Enrollment will be down in both public and private schools on the East End. The East Hampton Star has an article out now on this issue—the subject is unavoidable.

I challenge The Southampton Press to shock us all and stand on the side of individual liberty, not more government.

Lori Tutt Southampton