Community Center - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2021467

Community Center

The sun is rising on a new day at Old Whalers’ Church. Folks from one of the AA groups are heading back to their cars but stop in the parking lot, chatting with their friends new and old. Some of the 55 volunteers of the Community Food Pantry start setting up for a busy day ahead, sorting through all of the boxes of fruits, vegetables and dry goods they prepare to serve hundreds from the community who are in need. The friendships they have made from giving will most certainly last a lifetime.

The administrator of Temple Adas Israel is at her desk planning the high holy days. As the synagogue is rebuilt, their staff and congregation have found a home at Old Whalers’ for over a year now.

The Art Camp has cleaned up after a summer of fun in the social hall. Upstairs, the LGBT organization has a meeting room and just hosted a pancake breakfast. In the sanctuary, I hear Walter, our amazing organist, David, our clarinetist, and Rebecca, our soloist, preparing for a Sunday of beautiful music. The bell choir is scheduled to begin fall rehearsals next week.

I go to my office to prepare for the day and make last-minute changes to my sermon. My hope is to include inspiration for everyone, no matter where they are on this journey of life.

I hear our secretary Allison fielding phone calls in the main office: prayer requests, building usage, celebrations, requisitions. Allison keeps the workings of the church moving forward.

And I realize that this is not just Old Whalers’ Church — this is Old Whalers’ Church and community center, the beacon of Sag Harbor, a home for everyone.

It is my hope to build community, to help this building stay alive and thriving, and I encourage and welcome everyone in. Services are held every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and I think most everyone will walk away feeling inspired by word and music in this beautiful setting.

I have read an important book by psychologist Lisa Miller from Columbia University, “The Spiritual Child.” She explains the clear, scientific link between spirituality and health and shows that children who have a positive, active relationship to spirituality are 40 percent less likely to use and abuse substances, 60 percent less likely to be depressed as teenagers, 80 percent less likely to have dangerous or unprotected relations, and have significantly more positive markers for thriving.

I am inviting everyone to join us at Old Whalers’ as we rally to build community, the community that was once and, hopefully, always will be an important part of Sag Harbor. Just come check us out, no commitment necessary.

Nancy Remkus


Old Whalers’ Church

Sag Harbor