Community News, January 23 - 27 East

Community News, January 23

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The pins were flying at the 6th annual Snow Bowl at the All-Star Bowling Alley in Riverhead on Friday night, Januay 17. The catered event in the All-Star’s special 6-lane party room is a winter highlight for a group of friends from Quogue. “We are a bunch of mediocre bowlers who battle it out for team and individual awards,” said Sarah Adams, “but it’s more about friends having a great time.”
As the happy bowlers were heading to their cars at evening’s end, some were vowing to practice and maybe buy their own ball to prep for Snow Ball 2026. From left, w inning team Kittric Motz, Melissa Morgan Nelson, Andrew Perel, Peggy Veziris, Dan Flynn and Peter Sartorius. COURTESY TOM HADLOCK

The pins were flying at the 6th annual Snow Bowl at the All-Star Bowling Alley in Riverhead on Friday night, Januay 17. The catered event in the All-Star’s special 6-lane party room is a winter highlight for a group of friends from Quogue. “We are a bunch of mediocre bowlers who battle it out for team and individual awards,” said Sarah Adams, “but it’s more about friends having a great time.” As the happy bowlers were heading to their cars at evening’s end, some were vowing to practice and maybe buy their own ball to prep for Snow Ball 2026. From left, w inning team Kittric Motz, Melissa Morgan Nelson, Andrew Perel, Peggy Veziris, Dan Flynn and Peter Sartorius. COURTESY TOM HADLOCK

authorStaff Writer on Jan 20, 2025
YOUTH CORNER Circle of Fun East Hampton Library, 159 Main Street in East Hampton, will host Circle of Fun, a rhythmic class for infants to preschoolers, with shakers, scarves, and... more

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