Community Stars - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1812561

Community Stars

On behalf of the First Presbyterian Church of Southampton, we are thrilled that Heart of the Hamptons will soon be our new neighbor at 44 Meeting House Lane. Thank you to all of the community leaders who are leading this worthy effort.

The needs of our community are vast. Cost of living will continue to rise. Some local families are already living in unthinkable conditions and regularly forced to choose between which basic need they can afford to meet. We all have a responsibility to care for those less fortunate.

Many members of my congregation have and do serve as board members and volunteers for Heart of the Hamptons, and we cherish our long-standing close relationship. Over the years we have done much work together to best serve our community. We currently host Heart of the Hamptons’ annual Holiday Star Toy Drive to collect toys from our community and make them available to families in need.

The Holiday Star program is a wonderful example of the entire community coming together for a common purpose. Stars with suggested children’s ages are displayed all throughout the village in our stores, schools and all places of worship.

After Heart of the Hamptons begins operations at 44 Meeting House Lane, we hope to collaborate much more. We have offered them overflow space in our building to store toys that can be made available for children’s birthdays all throughout the year. We plan to house their community clothing room and would like to make our parking lot available to them as they need it.

On behalf of the First Presbyterian Church, we welcome Heart of the Hamptons as a close neighbor and look forward to seeing them move into the new location.

Rev. Sarah Bigwood

First Presbyterian Church

Southampton Village