Continue The Change - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1695840

Continue The Change

We’re all living through a difficult time right now. With everything going on, it can be hard to focus on anything beyond our own families and health.

However, though COVID-19 has terrorized the world, it’s also forced us to slow down and to come together in wonderful ways, and we’re seeing the results of this as our environment changes for the better.

In Jalandhar, India, for example, there’s been such a drastic improvement in air quality that the Himalayan mountains are visible for the first time in decades.

As seniors in high school, we’ll be the first to say we hope life can return to normal soon.

Nonetheless, as we begin to gather again, to return to non-essential work and school and to our old routines, it’s important to recognize that not every aspect of quarantine life has been so horrible. We can choose to implement some of these positives in a new normal day for the good of our planet.

For some, this may mean continuing to be mindful of how much we’re going out, reducing car use, and, in turn, greenhouse gas emissions. For others, who’ve found that they have more time for sustainability, it may mean continuing to set aside that bit of time every day to keep up with the compost, or to recycle.

Another way that we can all support our environment is by continuing to stay informed, using our votes and voices for good. In particular, we want to show our support for the Carbon Dividend Act. The objective of this policy is to gradually decrease America’s carbon emissions while fostering ingenuity in the form of new, more sustainable technology. Often referred to as “The Bipartisan Climate Solution,” this bill is co-sponsored by Democrats and Republicans and is something everyone can get behind.

When put into action, a low, slow-growing fee will be placed on fossil fuels, and the funds mustered from this tax will be returned to the American people, to spend however they please. This policy is projected to create around 2 million new jobs, and will improve general well-being, and save lives.

Now, more than ever, we have faith in the American people. We’ve all come together in this time of crisis and shown just how much change can be made, so quickly, if need be.

Just as we’ve needed each other these past few months, our planet needs us all. Together, we can continue to make positive change.

Sarah Eckert

Water Mill

Vimarsha Sital
