Cooperation And Vision - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1829524

Cooperation And Vision

A thought experiment: Compare our national government with Southampton Town government.

Not being encumbered by a filibuster rule helps, but competency and devotion to continuous improvement has helped the Democratically controlled Southampton Town government to earn Triple A ratings from debt rating agencies, to roll out one after the other pro-environment measures, and to build workforce housing where none existed.

It is more than competency, though. An elected body open to engagement with various constituencies with respect and an open mind is an important part of the mix. By fostering a governing culture that defuses contention and division while promoting cooperation and a sense of shared purpose is crucial to good governance.

Because of this new spirit, issues that have been hard to address in other jurisdictions are tackled head-on by Southampton Town leaders.

Examples of public issues that benefited from this culture of cooperation include police reform through the Community Law Enforcement Reform Committee negotiations, the return of sacred burial sites to the Shinnecock Nation, the establishment of an interdisciplinary opioid task force to develop a comprehensive approach to the opioid crisis, and the support of local food pantries by providing food and other essential items as well as raising funds to continue those efforts at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Democrats have been in the majority on the Town Board since 2015.

Community, cooperation and vision made this possible for all of us. Vote Row A.

Mike Anthony


Anthony is a former chair of the Southampton Town Democratic Committee — Ed.