Count On Him - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1696860

Count On Him

With all that is going on these days, local elections become ever more important. Thus, for those not well acquainted with Zach Epley, I’d like to share a few quick insights about my friend.

My first memories of Mr. Epley are from Tuckahoe School, where he and his brothers were a couple of years behind me. We all met in the student counsel, where I recall that our biggest responsibility was to organize and deliver the milk containers to the proper room — small jobs, but ones that laid the foundations for a strong work ethic and a service-oriented life. Zach has served in some capacity in countless community events and organizations ever since.

Zach Epley has an impressive resume for a man still very early in his professional life — but that’s not the full story. Zach went from working summers at Southampton Youth Services to becoming a board member. He went from playing varsity baseball to coaching it, and he found time to join the Southampton Fire Department and assume a position on the Village Zoning Board of Appeals.

Zach has managed to accomplish all of this in addition to his critical role at Seafield Drug and Rehab Center, where he is the director of support services and a big part of an organization that provides essential, life-saving services to our community.

Zach is always on the clock in one role or another, and he can always be counted on. I know his wife, Brittney, and their four children, who know him best as a loving and involved husband and father, would agree.

What’s most important about his community involvement, however, aren’t the titles he’s acquired, but rather how they reflect his good character. Zach has the ability to get along with anyone he meets. He is open-minded and fair and knows how to problem-solve and work on things with a positive attitude, until they get done. He is responsible by nature, and he is a person who can always, without fail, be relied upon.

Thus, with the issues our village faces, I believe that Mr. Epley can be counted on. He can be counted on to listen, to make reasonable decisions, and to put in the tireless work required to improve the lives of everyone in our community. I believe he will care for our environment and our unique village history, while making strides for the economic viability and affordable living of year-round residents.

For these reasons I ask you to please consider voting for the Kimberly Allan and Zach Epley ticket for Village Board.

Alexander D. Reese

Southampton Village