Deaf Ears - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2180193
Jul 24, 2023

Deaf Ears

Labor Day, the traditional start for the November election season, came early this summer. The local Democratic minions have already started their Letters to the Editor campaign.

The dominant narrative of the town’s Democratic Party is that they listen to the people of Southampton. Nothing is further from the truth — just ask the residents of Hampton Bays.

The troika, consisting of the supervisor, Councilman John Bouvier and Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, are merely pretending to listen. For example, Councilman Bouvier, the self-anointed scientist, appears arrogant when the taxpayers air their concerns. Councilman Schiavoni marches in lockstep with his Democratic colleagues, a true imitator, not an innovator.

Whether the topic is the Bel-Aire Cove Motel or battery energy storage systems, the Democrats know best.

Unfortunately, leadership is not about power, it is about responsibility. In a democracy, our elected officials have the responsibility to listen and respect the residents’ opinions.

Recently, the Democratic candidate for supervisor is portrayed as a skilled village administrator. If this is correct, why do rumors persist that the current supervisor will remain on the payroll in some advisory capacity? Town Hall is not an employment agency. It exists to provide the best services at the most reasonable tax rate.

A recent event, the closing of the transfer stations in Sag Harbor, Hampton Bays and Westhampton, due to a shortage of trucks [“Southampton Town Transfer Stations Begin To Reopen After Shutdowns Due to Truck Failures,”, July 17], illustrated the poor management of the Democratic-led Town Board.

No one would mistake the supervisor for a self-hauler. However, following the fire on Saturday, April 22, at the North Sea transfer station, one would think a leader would visit the transfer sites and the North Sea facility to assess their needs.

A truly insightful supervisor would actually engage the workforce rather than only consulting with the Waste Management Division head.

As the curtain closes on the Democrat-controlled Town Board, the voters should consider the Republican alternative. A respectful, responsive Town Board, willing to listen, is long overdue.

Greg Robins

North Sea