Determined 'Screamer' - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1982299

Determined 'Screamer'

In response to the letters in favor of a cellphone tower, the “very small group of screamers” that made “false claims” and points that have “zero validity or substance,” I encourage you all to do your due diligence.

Just because there are allegedly 4 million cellphone towers in the world does not mean there should be one in our backyard. That argument is inane. If some believe it is a matter of public safety, then I recommend you get a landline, something millions of smart people have in their homes.

To make generalizations that there are no health issues associated with the electromagnetic waves emitted from cellphone towers is ignorant and irresponsible. To disregard flora and fauna and the effects that a tower would have on them does not make you a resident that cares about the natural beauty of North Haven.

Not only cancer but other harmful effects of mobile radiation, like lower sperm count, birth defects and increased risk of heart attack, are the direct long-term results of electromagnetic radiation produced by mobile phones and mobile towers.

I highly recommend that, if you are in favor of a cellphone tower in North Haven, you volunteer your own backyard to be the site of a cellphone tower. I promise you this, if a plan to erect a cellphone tower behind Village Hall, off Stock Farm Lane, is proposed, my legal team and I, will work 24/7 to ensure it never happens.

A determined “screamer” that will litigate this issue indefinitely.

Monica S. Caan, Esq.

North Haven