Enough Said - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2262166
Jun 18, 2024

Enough Said

During my 18-year tenure on the Planning Commission, I served under three administrations, and the key to success was civility and consistency.

Gina Arresta stated that I missed 60 percent of my meetings over 18 years. Let’s clarify: I rarely missed a meeting. Any absences I had were excused and coordinated in advance with the chairman. I had outstanding relationships with the commission and administrations. We succeeded through working together, engaging in healthy debate and maintaining transparency.

Regarding Josh Bellury, he did not unequivocally state that the village does not need a sewer. Josh is an environmentalist and is highly concerned about water quality. He has suggested that the village not take a narrow approach to the type of sewer systems it is exploring. While the village is currently pursuing a centralized system, Josh has proposed considering a decentralized system or a hybrid system, including exploring new technologies used in Europe.

She then asks what I may have delivered concerning affordable housing and the sewer. I am a member of a team; therefore, is she indicting the Planning Commission for inaction? The Planning Commission reviews the issues and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees — it is then up to the Board of Trustees to legislate. Any questions on these issues should be directed to the trustees.

Every sewer meeting should be transparent and open to the public, and we should hold work sessions to determine what the village actually wants, not tell them what they should want.

Gina also criticizes me for my alleged support of overdevelopment. I am not a proponent of overdevelopment. One also must consider property rights and have a balanced approach. It’s important to note the minimal public input the village had when the board proposed including the garage in the living space of homes. Not only was this not received positively by the residents, there was enough push-back to modify the restriction by 50 percent, which in my estimate is still not warranted. This also has the effect of making many homes preexisting and nonconforming.

Preventing overdevelopment means preserving land and creating more green space, not tinkering with the zoning code. If elected, my goal will be to help preserve as much green space and open space as possible and to stop overdevelopment, while also ensuring that we hear from residents before placing any further restrictions.

Furthermore, regarding Pond Lane, there has been silence from the administration after the Pond Lane road closure was announced. If elected, I will do everything I can to deliver a public park for our village residents that all can agree on while making sure Pond Lane remains open and becomes a lane that residents can enjoy.

Edward Simioni

Southampton Village

Simioni is a candidate for Southampton Village Board — Ed.