Exceptional Leadership - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2156903
May 9, 2023

Exceptional Leadership

SunHe Dudley is running for reelection to the Southampton School Board. She is currently the board president and has served our community and students with exceptional leadership for the last six years.

SunHe has advocated for the protection of parental rights, our full dual language program, community student work opportunities, vocational and nursing pathway opportunities, adult ESL program, reduced economic barriers to AP and SAT, healthier and higher-quality food for our students, our new district office, and a future Southampton Intermediate School fitness playground (that faculty, students, and families have been requesting for over a decade).

As a mother of four children who are currently in or have already graduated from the Southampton School District, SunHe has firsthand knowledge and experience with all three of our schools regarding their strengths and weaknesses. She is an active and engaged community member. She does not just listen to parents’ concerns but takes action and finds solutions to the problems presented. When parents were hoping to implement healthier food choices in our cafeteria, SunHe helped write a grant which gave our school funds for the cafeteria to acquire commercial blenders to make healthy smoothies for our students. As a Board Trustee, SunHe has shown she values all parents’ voices and perspectives when finding the best possible outcome for our students and school.

We are lucky to have SunHe in our community and on our School Board. We urge everyone to get out and vote to reelect her, so our community can continue to thrive under her strong and unwavering leadership.

John and Lisa Haley


The Haleys’ letter also was signed by Declan and Ann Blackmore, Johnathan William Styler and Raquel Styler, Liliana Fezendeiro and Richard Hale, Vickie and Seth Bovio, Lauren D’Italia, Adriane Barone, Melanie Cirillo, Matt Palumbo, and Lisa Profera — Ed.