During his tenure as mayor of the Village of Southampton, 2019 to current, Mayor Jesse Warren has initiated and delivered on many promises and addressed issues of the village residents.
1. Property taxes: Lowered the property tax levy for the first time in 20 years (without lowering quality of services) in year 2021-22 and froze the overall tax rate for the fiscal year 2022-23, despite inflation.
2. Environment and water quality: Earned over $10 million of clean water grants to mitigate toxic blue-green algae in Lake Agawam and Old Town Pond.
3. Sewer district: Completed a map and plan for Southampton Village’s sewer district with D&B Engineers, which will be critical to revitalizing the downtown.
4. Historical integrity: Updated the comprehensive master plan for the first time in over 20 years. This is the blueprint for the future of the village.
5. Quality of life: Launched a new quality-of-life app, SeeClickFix, that allows residents to report any village-related concerns or complaints and obtain real-time feedback and support.
6. Village improvements: Installed electric charging stations in multiple locations, paved numerous roads and fixed the problematic parking lot behind Citarella.
7. Traffic: Conducting traffic study to determine how to reduce traffic and reduce speeding. Reduced speed limit to 25 mph on select side streets to combat speeding.
8. Emergency services: Hired an additional medic to our EMS department and used American Rescue Plan Act federal dollars to purchase a new ambulance to keep our residents safer.
9. Downtown beautification: Created team to power wash, clean and remove trash on a daily basis to keep the downtown pristine. No prior administration has done this.
10. Movie theater: Created an Arts & Culture Overlay Zoning District to preserve and save the theater as well as other cultural institutions.
Mayor Warren’s leadership and vision for Southampton Village has been exemplary, as well as his accessibility to discuss village residents’ concerns.
I encourage you to cast your vote on Friday, June 16, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Southampton Cultural Center, to reelect Mayor Jesse Warren.
Carolyn Sartain Anderson
Southampton Village