Fighting For Seniors - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1801154
Jul 27, 2021

Fighting For Seniors

For the last three months, several people have asked me why I became a candidate for the East Hampton Town Board. My answer is simple: Seniors in the town are second-class citizens. We were abandoned by the town and the school district and the RECenter. Most of us depend upon physical fitness activities for our well-being. They help us to stay fit and avoid or at least postpone our becoming a burden to family and friends.

Many of our older citizens have aged more than the nearly two years the nation has been fighting the pandemic. Much of this has been caused by the lack of programs that we expect the Town Board, school district and RECenter to have collectively developed for our well-being.

An outstanding example of this inaction was the inability of these three agencies to work together to promote the use of the East Hampton High School track for walking, jogging and running. There is no better and safer facility in all of our town for these activities. When I asked who made the decision to lock us out, the Board of Education accused the town, and the town accused the board. So much for taking responsibility.

I offered a simple plan with five or six rules that would allow seniors to use the track safely. It was this situation that motivated me to become a candidate for the Town Board this November. When I am elected, I will fight for the unique rights of our older citizens. Please vote for me and my teammates, Ken Welles and Joe Karpinski.

George Aman, Ph.D

East Hampton