Follow The Money - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1549136

Follow The Money

Every politician loves to talk about all the “small” donations they have received. However, the money that really fuels elections comes from the big donors, not the little ones. Our local families cannot compete with billionaires.

Our involvement in government should not be dependent on our bank account balances. If it is true that we should always follow the money, let’s see where our current supervisor’s supporters reside.

Inevitably, it will lead to an oak paneled door and behind it will be “Mr. Big.” The list of the current supervisor’s contributors reads like a who’s who of finance. Among the heavy hitters are Michael Bloomberg, Leon Blavatnik, Andrew Zaro, Ziel Feldman and Andrew Farkas. These Manhattan elite with ties to London, Ukraine and Russia make for interesting Google searches. They are out for the weekend and they will not be seen at the dump disposing of their green town bags. These super rich can afford to live anywhere in the world.

Most of our residents want to stay in Southampton, but in a Southampton that is more livable, less overdeveloped and not dominated by the Friday (now Thursday) arrival of the Land Rovers.

Since our town supervisor does not need the locals, I now know why he looks bored during the public portion of the Town Board meetings. Why should he listen to the very people he was elected to serve?

He presents grandiose plans to build high-density housing in our more middle-class communities. However, the ultra rich have nothing to fear. Their checkbooks and tall hedges guarantee that Jay will always protect their estates from the rest of us.

Greg Robins

North Sea

Mr. Robins is the Republican candidate for Southampton Town supervisor—Ed.