For the Dogs - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2058780

For the Dogs

Animal shelters across the country are in a crisis. People are dumping their pets in record numbers, and not enough adoptions or fosters are happening. Good, deserving dogs are being euthanized every day because someone didn’t want them anymore.

People are spending record amounts of money on Black Friday, Cyber Monday or other sales, then dumping their pets because the food got a little more expensive.

It is disgusting and heartbreaking. These pets are not disposable trash.

I know there are some people whose circumstances make it impossible to keep their pets, and those are not whom I am talking to. There are plenty of people that can find ways to cut their spending besides dumping their pets. Make lunch at home instead of eating at the deli, drink homemade coffee instead of spending that $3 per day on Starbucks. That alone will pay for the food for one pet for the day.

These animals gave nothing but love and don’t deserve to die alone just because someone decided that they didn’t love them anymore or they now became inconvenient. They deserve better.

If you are fortunate enough to be in a stable situation, donate to one of the many animal shelters in trouble, or consider fostering or adopting a deserving pet from a shelter and saving a life.

We recently started taking our dog to one of the play groups offered by the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation in Hampton Bays. It has been several years since we adopted a dog from them, so I had not kept up with the developments of their programming.

I have to say that I am greatly impressed with how the program has developed since they took over management from the town: age-specific play groups for dogs, training classes, wellness program along with working with other shelters around the country to save deserving dogs. It’s fantastic, and I sincerely hope all animal lovers in the town consider supporting such a great facility and organization if they don’t already.

Sandra Dumais

East Quogue