Go the Extra Mile - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2260197
Jun 10, 2024

Go the Extra Mile

Southampton has seen its fair share of eventful elections over the past few years, and those trying to demonstrate their leadership skills. What makes a strong leader and public servant? Is it one’s ability to tell the truth, work tirelessly or show resolve under duress? Maybe it is only one or even none of those things. What is clear after watching the debates is that there are two candidates who stood out as temperate, mindful leaders.

Ed Simioni and Josh Belury are two locals who have demonstrated that they have a level of compassion, leadership and knowledge that will lead to long term successful results. While I may not agree with everything these candidates have to say on every issue, they seem to have their hearts in the right place and knowledge to go along with it. For these two, it is not about power or ego above service, but rather sincere care and concern for future generations.

Why should you consider voting for these two gentlemen? Over the past two weeks, I have heard outright lies and misuse of data to implore residents and voters to illustrate popcorn headlines. It is evident that Southampton and its current leadership are rather neophytic and don’t fully comprehend cross functional departmental operations. All I hear (or lack thereof) is messaging that is either nonexistent or hypocritical in nature. I have not once heard of an appropriate or realistic attrition plan put in place to address the concerns of budget, department size and long-term sustainability. Government is a cog-and-wheel system where if one of the cogs is dented or removed from operation, the entire entity needs to be revamped and altered.

In Southampton, we should be promoting politicians that go the extra mile, not officials who do the bare minimum of what is to be expected and then they go around asking for credit. That is not right, reasonable and or responsible.

When you vote, please use your judgment as we deserve better. It is only when the locals stand up and do what is right to elect both strong and compassionate leaders that we will see a greater Southampton for all.

Joseph Chabot, MPA

Southampton Village