Good Reads - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1748750

Good Reads

So refreshing to read such a great front-page story about finding historical art in a closet in Southampton, and a juke joint [“Coal Bin Paintings Find New Home: Southampton African American Museum To Display Segregated Bar Relics,”, January 6]. How marvelous! Not the segregation part, of course, but better we know what actually transpired so we can do better. Sigh.

The story was educational, fascinating and entertaining. Good job.

I also so enjoyed Phil Keith’s column this week [“Conspiracy Of Dunces,” Mostly Right, Opinion, January 7]. He was spot on calling it what it is, a conspiracy of fools. And now their fringe base is forever known as domestic terrorists. Nice.

Not Keith’s words, because he isn’t psychic; the paper was already on deli shelves when the hideous disrespect to our democracy and country’s sacred institutions from insurgents and seditionists took our nation’s Capitol by filthy storm. “This is our house!” was screamed. Really? You deface your own house like that? You put your dirty boots on your mama’s desk? She must be so proud.

Keith’s column also denouncing Zeldin was great — he is a disgrace to Suffolk County. He’s done nothing to improve our land and lives out here. Sad that we live in a model of what the whole country looks like: divided and half nuts.

I hope we get our stuff together and people realize there have been “ear worms” around forever. That’s what Q-Tips are for — the cotton on sticks, I mean — to remove the Q propaganda, the utter nonsense so many bought into.

And now we know what that ignorance did, caused the act of terror from within on Wednesday. I’m glad our friends overseas know all Americans don’t behave in such a disgraceful way. And not even to be stopped. Just, wow. Wonder why? Hmmm …

Anyway, keep up the good reporting. May there be peace and common sense once again, for all. “Good” would be an improvement, because “Great,” frankly, sucked.

Nanci LaGarenne

East Hampton