Has My Vote - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2252973
May 14, 2024

Has My Vote

I am a resident of Southampton Town, North Sea specifically, and am writing in support of Ruth White-Dunne for the Southampton Board of Education.

In a School Board member, I expect fairness, transparency, good communication and someone who expects an equitable education for all children, from all backgrounds and abilities.

Ruthie, as a teacher in public school for over 20 years, has been honored many times as a favorite history teacher by her graduating students. She has been chosen as a lead educator in Pierson High School’s International Baccalaureate program; she mentors new teachers and has been advisor to the National Honor Society students for many years. She supports her students to learn in numerous aspects, is creative and knows how important a smartly allocated budget is to its students, teachers and community.

In order to have this amount of impact on so many different learners, she is obviously able to be a fair-minded, effective communicator and a natural leader. Her record as teacher speaks loudly to demonstrate how she would function as an upstanding member of the Southampton School Board.

You have my vote!

Phil Fricker
