Held Accountable - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1750758

Held Accountable

Brendan O’Reilly penned a masterful dissection and teardown of U.S. Representative Lee Zeldin’s anti-factual and irresponsible speech to support overthrow of the presidential election [“Analysis: A Weak Argument,” January 14]. That Mr. Zeldin made this address on the House floor on the afternoon of the January 6 insurrection — after the Capitol was attacked by seditionists — makes it even more nefarious.

Then, Mr. Zeldin, just three days later, on January 9, sent an e-blast to constituents expressing his desire for the nation to mend its divide, “to recommit to working toward a vigorous defense of Lady Liberty at all costs.”

What Mr. Zeldin did not include was an apology for punching Lady Liberty in the gut by attacking our democracy on the House floor with baseless claims about the election, and by his vote against the certified results in Pennsylvania.

Does Mr. Zeldin believe we will forgive or forget his hand in this effort to overturn the election? Are we to give Mr. Zeldin a pass for his full-throated loyalty to Trump and upholding Trump’s tyrannical behavior and incitement for insurrection?

Mr. Zeldin must be held personally accountable to the people for his House vote against the fair and honest election in which Americans defeated Trumpism by over 7 million votes. Mr. Zeldin used his position as our representative to support the big election lie and this seditious conspiracy against America. His speech prior to the House impeachment vote doubled down on his fealty to Trump and deflected from the storming of the Capitol that left death and destruction in its wake.

Shame on him. And shame on us if we accept it.

In good conscience, Zeldin should resign as 1st District representative, but don’t count on it. We deserve better representation in Congress than this.

Steve Abramson

Water Mill