He'll Be Back - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1816558

He'll Be Back

I have watched this culture as change took place from my first viewing of David Mamet’s play “Oleanna” almost 30 years ago. I have two daughters and three female grandchildren. I want to protect them in every way. I believe my older ones have learned how to handle themselves. I hope I have taught them as every parent should.

I see this society’s idea of harassment potentially being used for changing power. The glass ceiling has been broken, at least in politics, when one of the most powerful men in politics — in this case, Andrew Cuomo — is brought down by actions that he says he didn’t do, but he admits to making some mistakes.

Obviously, a public figure has to deny such actions, or his career is over. But once those actions have political overtones, the press and the party were ready to hang him before that investigation.

Yes, 11 women came forward and said he acted in a way that made them uncomfortable and afraid. Of course, just the number of victims makes him guilty. “A pattern of behavior,” as my psychologist wife says.

But let us examine this further. All but three say he kissed them in public, as he has done for his entire career. Now we are down to three; their credibility must be judged, as our system should require.

Now, why him? Okay, he is one of the most visible, strongest and most accomplished politicians in the country. He achieved that because of the people surrounding him who were able to live to his standards. He ran them hard; some say it was a toxic environment. I say his office brought the best people to the government. Unfortunately, many didn’t live up to those standards. No one likes defeat.

So, what’s next? I predict that Cuomo will win the one civil action and be back. We can’t lose such a man. It is a shame that this is happening when we need strength to bring back New York State after this destruction due to the pandemic. We have a court system for a reason; we should exclude the media, public opinion and other politicians from being the judge.

One more thing: To bring Cuomo’s brother into it is just wrong — that’s his brother, after all. Their bond should be respected.

Jerry Rosengarten

Southampton Village