Here's Your Chance - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2276697
Jul 29, 2024

Here's Your Chance

OK, ladies, it’s time to step up. There’s a woman running for president, and this one is being attacked even more viciously than the last one.

To all you women who feel that there has been gender inequality, here’s your chance.

To all you women who have faced discrimination due to gender or race, here’s your chance.

To all you women who are sick of experiencing women being underestimated, talked down to, diminished in importance, here’s your chance.

To all you women who are deeply offended that a women’s right to choose what happens to her when she is pregnant has been removed by legislation, here’s your chance.

To all you women who want to see a brighter future for generations of women to come, here’s your chance.

I think I’ve made my point. Vote for a woman for president and for those who agree with her principles and values. Donate to their campaigns, write postcards on their behalf, campaign for their success, display signs or slogans in your yard or on your bumper and encourage others to vote.

Or if you can’t do anything at all then maybe you have to ask yourself how do you actually think anything at all is going to change?

Paula Angelone, Ph.D.

Southampton Village