Hitting Home - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1718707

Hitting Home

When something bad or awful happens in another part of the country, we may wince and think about it for a few minutes. But when bad or awful happens in our own backyard, it has much more impact, and we worry and in some cases are outraged.

Just this morning, a person from a small town in Suffolk County told us that mailboxes have been removed in a section of the town where many minorities live.

It’s bad and awful that the Trump administration is deliberately hampering the work of the U.S. Postal Service in an obvious move to reduce voting by certain minorities, and we were suitably appalled when it was reported in the news. But now that it is happening “in our own backyard,” it is much more immediate and we are outraged. Multiply this action throughout the country and you can see a blatant attempt to compromise the election.

Maybe Trump can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. But he shouldn’t be allowed to tamper with the election, a basic and crucial pillar of American democracy.

Jim Marquardt

Sag Harbor