I Feel Good - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1871355
Jan 25, 2022

I Feel Good

All this controversy regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is a little overwhelming. The government says to get vaccinated, it’s safe, it’s effective, and, oh yeah, it’s free. What more assurance do you need? The government wouldn’t lie.

I don’t believe all these politicians who push the vax mandates are doing it to receive campaign donations from the drug companies, because that would be wrong. I don’t believe hospitals would list a patient COVID positive even if they’re not, just to get money through Medicare, because that would be wrong.

That little dwarf doctor that’s always on TV keeps telling us to follow the science and get vaccinated, so that’s what I did. I followed the science and got vaccinated. In fact, I just got the third shot last week, and I gotta tell you, I not only feel good, I feel … thud.

Steve Vella

Water Mill