After reading U.S. Representative Lee Zeldin’s request for campaign funding, “The Radical Socialists Are Ready,” I have finally decided to withdraw any consideration of support for Lee or President Trump.
Here’s why: I have become totally disillusioned with Lee’s not standing up to what I now believe is a totally nationalist, racist President Trump. Both are no longer traditional Republicans, having forsaken America’s long-established Republican Party values.
President Trump’s continued racist attacks against American people of color offends me terribly. I cannot in good conscience support President Trump and Lee Zeldin in these racist attacks on fellow Americans.
President Trump’s latest racist-inspired rants against Congressman Elijah Cummings and the American people of Baltimore are totally repellent to me and to most longtime American Republicans. President Trump now seems to adhere to a “Make America White Again” autocratic governing philosophy.
Lee is making a terrible career mistake by not publicly protesting President Trump’s racist policies. This is America, and the good people of this country and Long Island will eventually stand up against Trump and restore its long-established Republican American values.
Long Island and New York are not your typical President Trump political base, and Lee Zeldin would do well to function more independently of President Trump and condemn his racist comments.
Donald MahoneySouthampton