In This Together - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1691110

In This Together

During this historic and frightening time of our lives, I feel it’s a shame that some of our local friends and neighbors seem to want to blame the “city people” for many of the woes that this pandemic has caused our community.

These are trying, stressful times for everyone, and we’re all in this together. This is the perfect opportunity to be forgiving, patient and kind instead of judgmental of others.

There are always going to be selfish people who think only of themselves, but this trait is not specific to any one segment of society.

These are Hamptons homeowners who pay taxes that support our local schools and services. They also provide the thriving summer community that helps our local businesses survive during the quiet winter months. We should be welcoming to all our visitors at any time of year.

Hoping you will all stay healthy and safe.

Kathy Traystman

Water Mill