It's A Ruse - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1730502

It’s A Ruse

As the election nears, it’s quite obvious that former Vice President Joe Biden is trying to get moderate voter support. If you look at the Democrat Manifesto, Biden supports free health care to illegals, open borders, the Green New Deal, re-imagining police and banning fracking. During the Democrat debates, he doubled down on those positions. Now he needs moderate votes, so he’s changed positions.

He’s deceiving voters. Kamala Harris, the most progressive U.S. senator, has those liberal views.

Biden and Harris won’t take a stance on packing the court. Biden said the voters don’t need to know until after the election. That’s arrogance!

Finally, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s 25th Amendment bill is designed to remove a president from office who has diminished mental capacity. She said Trump, after taking steroids during his COVID-19 treatment, was not mentally fit.

However, that’s a ruse. The bill is meant for Biden if elected. Democrats have known Biden is mentally diminished, which is why they strategically kept him locked in his basement. They need him as a figurehead now — but he will be discarded after the election. Trump’s actually running against Harris.

Craig Boyer
