It's In His Blood - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1869194

It’s In His Blood

I don’t know why people are talking about the 2024 election, but if that’s where we are, I want my man to be in the running. He is the ex-governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo. The perfect man for the job.

He is no longer in politics; he can run as an outsider. The world watched how the governor acted under pressure: calm, reassuring and true to his words. Not since Winston Churchill has a public figure held his people’s hands with such understanding and strength.

He convinced Trump to do the right thing for New York, despite Trump’s disdain for the city he once called home. It shows how he will handle foreign and national disputes.

It would not be fair for me not to mention the problems that got him to resign. Remember, he denied these issues. First, the women; they will have their day in court. Four of these cases have been thrown out so far. The second is more complex. I don’t know about the nursing home issue. I feel for all the families who lost loved ones and, of course, those who perished.

I can only imagine the Solomon decision needed at the time. Hospitals were being overrun, and no one saw an end in sight. The virus was killing thousands of people every day. Making room for the COVID patients in the hospital by moving nursing home people back was a very tough choice. No one will know how many people that option saved. I personally don’t think he had a choice; I’m sure it still keeps him up at night

We can’t afford to discard a man like this. Yet, there has never been a man more right for the job during these times. What’s more, he would beat Trump.

My last question: Will he run? I know what I would say if it were me: no. But Andrew has only known public service; it’s in his blood. So I hope he says yes.

Gerald Rosengarten

Southampton Village