Let's Talk - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2049498

Let's Talk

You want to talk about crime? Fine, let’s talk about crime.

Most violent crime involves guns, so Bridget Fleming, who’s running for Congress, will work for common-sense gun safety.

She knows some people should be kept away from all guns, and some guns should be kept away from all people. So she’ll fight for universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons. Simple.

For 10 years in the Manhattan D.A.’s office, Fleming prosecuted fraud in public programs and sex offenses, so she knows both white-collar crime and dirty crime.

The police know this, and they know she’s supported them for 12 years on the Southampton Town Board and the Suffolk County Legislature. As a result, Bridget Fleming is endorsed by the Suffolk County and Southampton Town PBAs and the statewide Police Conference of New York.

I think we’re done with crime.

You want to talk about inflation? Fine, let’s talk about inflation.

In people’s lives, inflation means things cost more, and nobody gets a raise to cover that. So it’s like a pay cut.

Bridget Fleming is already working to restore the state and local tax deduction that was taken away from New Yorkers. Get that back, and families will have a lot more money to deal with inflation.

Fleming wants to fight inflation with real weapons, like lowering prescription drug prices, passing a middle class tax cut, and punishing gasoline price-gouging by oil companies and cartels.

Crime and inflation. What else? Fleming will do what it takes to protect a woman’s right to choose, to defeat election tampering that threatens our democracy, and to keep our East End environment beautiful and healthy.

I’m voting for Bridget Fleming for Congress on November 8. Please join me.

George Lynch


Mr. Lynch is treasurer of the Southampton Town Democratic Committee — Ed.