As the petitioners for the election for the potential incorporation of East Quogue, we are dismayed by the decision by the Southampton Town supervisor, who denied our petition for an election because of a technicality connected to our list of regular inhabitants [“Southampton Town Supervisor Rejects Petition To Incorporate East Quogue As A Village,”, June 10].
The denial stated that our list of inhabitants was imperfect because it included about 30 people, out of more than 3,400 on our list, who have passed away in the two years in which we have been circulating the petition. This represents about 1 percent of the total adult population in East Quogue. We were not aware of these errors when we filed, as we were using the most current Board of Elections list.
Be that as it may, the supervisor’s decision correctly stated that our petition has the signatures of at least 20 percent of local adults eligible to vote. So the only issue that needs correction is the list of inhabitants—which we will update when we re-file, or which we will feature should we challenge the decision.
No matter what, we will continue to fight for the right for our community to vote on the opportunity to have a seat at the table when it comes to important decisions that can impact our community. It is your constitutional right.
In the meantime, please take a few minutes to review our proposed plan at At the website, there is a video that SEA-TV taped at a recent informational meeting that we hosted, along with the proposed budget, which is $0.10/$1,000 of assessed value for the village operating expenses. Your tax bill otherwise will remain the same, as most of it is for your school district tax and for town services that will continue to be provided by the Town of Southampton, including police, highway and parks departments. We estimate that the average household, with an assessed value of $500,000, will pay an additional $50 a year for local representation on top of their current tax bill. Fifty dollars a year to protect our community character, our taxes and our quality of life.
We think that this is well worth it for all of us. Please contact us with any questions, ideas or suggestions at Thank you. Let’s get our village a vote!
Karen KooiEast QuogueThis letter also was signed by Maria Daddino and David Celi, petitioners for the Village of East Quogue—Ed.