Make a Change - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2077297
Feb 13, 2023

Make a Change

Government serves for the governed. The Southampton Village administration has lost the trust of those they serve, which has resulted in large legal expenses [“Southampton Village’s Legal Costs Mount; Mayor and Trustees at Odds Over Why,”, February 8]. What’s interesting is that legal actions are taken and paid for by those who are governed.

Bring back balance to Southampton Village — elect responsible adults this June 16 to our Village Board and help control the budget.

The embarrassment of the “dysfunction” of the present administration is the result of officials in office failing to serve their community. I ask you to make a change with your vote and bring back good governance to Southampton Village.

Let’s return to a proud village with trust in those who are elected.

Michael Irving

Southampton Village

Irving is a former mayor of Southampton Village — Ed.