Making a Difference - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2038666

Making a Difference

The Noyac Civic Council once again stepped up to the plate. This time, our organization joined the Town of Southampton’s Parks and Recreation Department, and our councilman, Tommy John Schiavoni, to clean up Trout Pond’s invasive species Cabomba caroliniana that is choking the life of the pond.

A number of Noyac residents endured a freezing cold morning last Saturday to rake the invasive plants, pile the plants on shore and assist town employees in carting the plants to a dumpster.

Many of us got soaking wet raking the weeds and piling the weeds onto our kayaks, and onto ourselves, so we could get to the wheelbarrows. Sounds like fun? Actually, it was fun to make a difference. Many of us love to swim and snorkel in Trout Pond, so it was rewarding.

Many thanks to these participants: Matt Burns, Joanne Ulrich, John Kirrane, Blair Seagram, Diane Hewett, Kevin Dehler, Chuck Neuman, Alison Sneed, Kristen Doulous (director of Parks and Recreation), Councilman Tommy John Schiavoni, and the many Parks and Rec employees who assisted us.

As a precaution, Parks and Recreation even supplied a lifeguard by the name of River. SunTV 20 was there too and has some great footage of the entire operation.

Let’s see if removing the plants works. If so, we can try again in the spring.

The Noyac Civic Council makes a difference in our community. View some pictures at Help to make a difference by joining this vibrant organization.

Elena Loreto


Noyac Civic Council