Many Objections - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1714876

Many Objections

I am absolutely astonished that the Planning Board refused to provide a public hearing on the plan to convert the farm stand to a fire truck storage building, at the meeting held on June 25 via Zoom [“Bridgehampton CAC Voices Concerns About Plan To Convert Farm Stand To Fire Truck Storage Building,”, July 20]. The Zoom malfunctioned, and Bridgehampton Citizens Advisory Committee Chair Pamela Harwood was unable to present our many and varied objections to this proposal. Her letter on this issue is being sent under separate cover.

Their assessment was that “there were no public comments” — when, in fact, that had been many conversations and objections, which she was ready to detail at that meeting.

Nancy Walter-Yvertes


Ms. Walter-Yvertes is a former chair of the Bridgehampton CAC — Ed.