Mayor's Role - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1787318

Mayor's Role

I enjoyed the recent Zoom debate among the candidates for the Sag Harbor Village Board. My thanks to your group and the other sponsors.

Aidan Corish and Bob Plumb expressed a clear understanding of issues confronting the village at this time, although some of their suggested solutions seemed a bit expansive. Having done their homework, they merit another term.

The mayoral debate was a bit confusing. For me, the discussion seemed have an underlying question: What is the role of the village in property development versus the role of private interests? Should the village act, potentially, to the detriment of private interests to facilitate an individual elected official’s personal vision?

The village manages development through its various functional boards and through the village code. Through public disclosure, the village announces its own interest in particular sites or activities. I do not believe that the village should be a competitor to private interests. It can influence those private interests through the established means only.

With the assistance of the boards and legal advice, I am confident that Kathleen Mulcahy has the experience and ability to manage this village’s affairs.

Pierce W. Hance

Sag Harbor

Mr. Hance is a former mayor of Sag Harbor Village — Ed.