Mimi Is Missed - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1984784

Mimi Is Missed

Not since Rudolpho first cried out for his Mimi at the grand opening of “La Boheme” in 1896 has a missing Mimi been so sorely missed as Southampton Village’s Mimi Michel-Guerra.

A personal injury has derailed the current Mimi and taken her from Village Hall for what is hoped is a short absence. This has left us bereft of her efficient, funny, helpful, knowledgeable and always accessible self.

Mimi is the go-to person we all rely on and often the only human voice that emerges in place of the dead round of robot answering machine messages that quickly steer you to frustration, if not oblivion.

I, and I am certain anyone who has ever interacted with her, wish her a speedy recovery and a quick return. When Mimi is up and running, so will the village be.

I am borrowing the words of Puccini’s Mimi to sign off:

Altro di me non le saprei narrare.

Sono la sua vicina che la vien fuori d’ora a importunare.

I know nothing.

I am only your neighbor who comes out to bother you.

Frances Genovese
