The egregious full-page ad in the November 21 edition of The Southampton Press regarding Sand Land Mine operations in Southampton Town is misleading and wrong.
The ad, designed to encourage readers to doubt the many-years effort to close the polluting Sand Land Mine operations, is by an East Quogue group, East Coast Mines and Minerals, and asserts that, “There is not a single study to justify their claims of groundwater contamination.”
Assemblyman Fred Thiele, the Group for the East End and the Noyac Civic Council beg to differ. The East Hampton Star, quotes Mr. Thiele: “Sand Land is a proven polluter and lawbreaker. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services issued a report conclusively demonstrating that the groundwater under the mine is contaminated with pollutants associated with activities conducted at the mine.”
For a history of the Sand Land Mine operations I direct Southampton Press readers to a report from the Noyac Civic Council, which can be found at their website,
Mike Anthony
Anthony is a former chair of the Southampton Democratic Committee — Ed.