Mostly Wrong - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1741580

Mostly Wrong

If only we could vote Phil Keith off writing his ridiculous column.

Mr. Keith insults Republicans and Conservatives by claiming to be one of us [“Too Close For Comfort,” Mostly Right, December 3]. He hasn’t any credentials to argue otherwise in spite of his self-promoting, which, by the way, makes him appear more like The Donald than he’d like to admit.

In admitting that an enormous turnout of 70 million voters supported the reelection of Trump, he inadvertently acknowledges that his fringe “Never Trump” vote amounted to a mere fraction of votes cast. By extension, his opinion on the Republican Party is irrelevant and insults those of us who actually know what we are talking about.

“Mostly Wrong” would be a more accurate title for your column, Mr. Keith, and, as you know, of course, I am “Mostly Right.”

Ed Surgan
