Need Vs. Want - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1767277

Need Vs. Want

To my despair, for several years running Shinnecock Bay near my home was devoid of birds in winter. This year a great flock of birds appeared around Christmas time — old squaw, mostly, some loons, three dozen geese, and some brants. One morning the flock stretched from the end of Bay Avenue across almost to the bridge.

And every single time a helicopter went over, the entire flock flew up and milled around.

Is it impossible to see that such a constant stressor likely damages the birds’ eating and resting, thus weakening them?

Dogs — always popular; with the pandemic, even more so. I have had many in the course of my life. And many of them go absolutely nuts, barking and whining, from the minute they can hear a helicopter, which is long before it is seen, until long after it can be heard by the human ear.

What makes the comfort and convenience of a small group of people so much more important than these other living things? Time to remember the difference between “need” and “want.” Living things need peace and quiet. A certain population wants convenience at any price without penalty for what they take from others.

Close the airport.

Amy Paradise

Hampton Bays