No Paid Parking - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1686305

No Paid Parking

Please consider the simple fact that Sag Harbor Village is a working town and not just a tourist destination. Free parking on Main Street [“Paid Parking on the Table,” March 5] allows us to grab a cup of coffee, have breakfast, lunch or dinner, or buy groceries, purchase items at local shops such as the Variety Store, Wharf’s Shop, Emporium — all without the thought of paying to park. This is not a row of boutique shops for the day-trippers needing obnoxious signage and directions for payment kiosks at prescribed distances.

Please don’t push locals away. Paid parking on Main Street does not solve the parking problem at all. It does not create more parking spaces. It does, however, clearly say who the parking is allocated for. I believe a visitor will occupy the same spot indefinitely, not concerned with the time limit, because it is simply a matter of putting more money in.

There will be less available short-term parking. Parking spaces are indisputably a difficult situation, but I have never, ever not gotten a parking place in the village.

The only reason to have paid parking is to generate revenue for the village, which shouldn’t be an issue with the substantial increase to our taxes felt every year! Paid parking does not solve the limited number of parking spaces.

Solution: Create more parking — don’t charge us for what we already have.

Dawn Williams Harvey

Sag Harbor