No Skin In The Game - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1507921
Aug 19, 2019

No Skin In The Game

What does “affordable housing” mean to you? I am sure there would be many different responses to that question from many different readers. With that said, there is no agreement on need vs. disruption and impact, size, location, appropriateness, cost and taxes, and who gets to live there and why. There is no common goal.

This is why high-density, zone-changing affordable housing development projects should undergo much scrutiny and discussion. Developers and their teams of persuaders, knowing this and the objections their plans face, try to find ways to appeal to local residents, often with a Trojan horse approach.

In recent weeks, there has been increasing debate over the proposed 60-condo unit development on the Southampton Full Gospel Church site (5 acres) and whose needs it would really serve [“Developer Proposing 60 Affordable Apartments Could Get Chance To Apply For A Zoning Change Next Month,”, August 5]. I want to be on record stating that I fully support our local veterans. And I also feel the Town of Southampton needs to take care of our local residents first.

This proposed project doesn’t offer that: It is not, and cannot be, just for our locals. Anyone and everyone has an equal chance to apply. Which begs the question: Who is “workforce” and why are we importing people to live here in subsidized housing?

Coming from a service family, I personally take offense when developers use veterans as pawns to silence opposition and to have a project passed. Also race, or racism, has been inserted into the discussion by Michael Daly — and it has never been a part of the equation. This is a zoning and economic issue and will impact our residents.

It’s important to note that Michael Daly is from Sag Harbor and is in the real estate business, and he is on the Southampton Town Zoning Board of Appeals. While he may inappropriately try to give expert advice on the situation, Mr. Daly has no skin in the game.

Joe McLoughlinSouthampton VillageMr. McLoughlin is a member of the Southampton Village Planning Commission—Ed.