Not My Words - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1679607

Not My Words

In a recent article [“Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman, Hampton Bays CAC Chairman Clash Over Appointments,”, February 5], the first quote is correctly attributed to me, beginning with “I’m looking to expand the group to make it more representative of the community.” After that quote, the article states “… she said last week, adding that she’d approached a parents group at the Hampton Bays School District to solicit new members.” That statement is also correct.

However, the next sentence declares: “The CAC is predominantly comprised of white senior citizens.” I never said that. I do not speak like that.

The article, as written, does not separate my quote and my words from the writer’s own opinion or observation. Again, I want to make it perfectly clear that I never said that, nor would I ever say something like that. And, unfortunately, I have heard that statement mistakenly attributed to me several times in public forums already.

Although this was an oversight on the reporter’s part by not making clear that the last sentence was her opinion and not something I actually said, I expect a retraction in the paper and online, making it clear that the last sentence was the reporter’s observation, not my statement.

I appreciate your immediate attention to this.

Julie Lofstad


Town of Southampton

As Ms. Lofstad noted, the latter observation was outside of quotation marks and represented the writer’s attempt to provide context. It was not an observation by Ms. Lofstad — Ed.