One Solution - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1677105

One Solution

In your editorials in the February 6 edition [“Slow Down, You Move Too Fast,” “The Start Of Something”], I was struck by the fact that both articles addressed dangers of technology. I agree with your assessment on smartphones. I’d like to address the airport article.

I was an aircraft mechanic for 16 years, so I’m familiar with the technology. Aviation is a damaging technology from every angle. It damages absolutely everything, including wildlife, the environment and humans. There are a zillion studies about how it damages children in schools near flight paths. It stresses people in their homes to the point of damaging their health. Emissions from aviation is increasing 6 percent a year.

I was at the recent airport Press Sessions event at Rowdy Hall, and I didn’t hear anyone mention that the airport is a Superfund site. The airport sits on top of a sole-source aquifer, which supplies our drinking water.

It was mentioned at the meeting that light aircraft are of no concern. Having one passing overhead with that loud, tight buzz saw drone makes you feel like you’re being drilled into your seat. They also use a fuel that is the most damaging. Sometimes it’s not even how loud they are but the constancy of it that drives one crazy. There are no acceptable aircraft.

Just imagine an area that is void of all aircraft — tranquil and beautiful, that people want to come to for the serenity and beauty. It would be everyone’s dream vacation.

There is only one solution: Close the airport.

Gene Polito
