I went to the Fourth of July parade in Southampton Village, as I do every year. I had spent the hour before watching the news on TV, and it was awful. More mass shootings, investigations, war crimes in Ukraine — the usual bad news nowadays.
The parade is a wonderful respite from the modern world, as it really is a throwback to a time when a community could come together, despite its differences, and enjoy the celebration of America. We cheer on our young people who are marchers, our community volunteers and first responders who are essential to our well-being, our elected officials and leaders of our community for doing a good job, and all the beautiful vintage cars, trucks and tractors, which are works of art. That’s what the parade represents.
Fortunately, this year, the final float of the parade was cleaned up and none of the negativity and politics of last year spoiled the finale.
Unfortunately, toward the beginning of the parade, there was a huge contingent of Kennedy 2024 marchers. It pissed me off.
I believe that politics have no place in our Fourth of July parade. Yes, I understand free speech and all, but politics are so divisive right now, and many of the candidates spew ugliness, hatred or conspiracy theories, so that I don’t believe any candidate for office should be represented in the Fourth of July parade.
Without the reminder of politics perhaps we can all just relax and enjoy the simple, uncomplicated fun of watching the parade and being among our friends and neighbors.
Paula Angelone, Ph.D.
Southampton Village