Path to Consensus - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2262162
Jun 18, 2024

Path to Consensus

I write to correct the claims made by Josh Belury and Ed Simioni regarding the supposed lack of transparency and diverse opinions on the Southampton Village Board. They assert that the trustees should not unanimously agree on how to direct village policy. They say that our board should have greater dissent in order to better represent the diversity of our village.

Belury and Simioni overlook the fact that our board members bring diverse backgrounds and experiences to the table. It is precisely this diversity of perspectives that allows us to function so effectively. We each have a vested interest in efficiency, sustainability and fiscal responsibility. We are united by a shared purpose: securing a bright future for village families. Why should we dissent to that?

We do not agree on every matter. We express differing opinions along the deliberation pathway to achieving consensus. Especially amid today’s divisive national political climate, we take pride in facilitating open and thoughtful discussions. Many of you have seen this firsthand during our livestreamed meetings.

Also, it is misguided to claim that 5-0 votes indicate a lack of transparency. Besides public hearings, we are always open to interaction on community concerns. For example: a) the Comprehensive Master Plan process included multiple public hearings, and b) the board held a special meeting to discuss Pond Lane park — we knew the residents needed to have input in the process. And, indeed, there was input on these issues.

Due to the conduct of the last administration, our village has already suffered the effects of a fractured board. We remain dedicated to an environment where every voice is heard and every concern is addressed.

We encourage all residents to continue participating in the public processes that shape our decisions, ensuring that our village remains a vibrant and inclusive community.

Len Zinnanti


Zinnanti is a member of the Southampton Village Board and is seeking election to a new term — Ed.