Pick Randomly - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2150862
Apr 17, 2023

Pick Randomly

After reading the article on 27east.com, “Town Board Votes To Convene Committee To Eye Bel-Aire Cove Motel Property Uses” [April 14], I immediately thought: Another day, another committee, another stalling tactic.

In the interest of fairness, transparency, honesty, impartiality and integrity, I suggest that at the next Southampton Town Board meeting, all interested and concerned residents, regarding the Bel-Aire Cove Motel, should be able to obtain a number, like a raffle, and let the 16 committee members be chosen in that manner at a Town Board meeting, so that there is total transparency. The Honorable Sundy A. Schermeyer, the many times cross-endorsed Southampton Town clerk, should be the person to randomly pick 16 numbers for this committee. Then, the supervisor and all Town Board members won’t have to justify any impropriety or possible conflict of interest.

Perhaps a recommendation by this newly formed committee would be more easily accepted moving forward.

Just a thought …

Barbara Ring

Hampton Bays