Political Pollution - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2293512
Oct 1, 2024

Political Pollution

Kudos to Southampton Town Councilwoman Cyndi McNamara for instructing the Highway Department to remove illegally placed political signs from public highways, Community Preservation Fund properties and Southampton Town parks [“Political Signs Will Vanish From Southampton Town Roadsides After Board Action on Tuesday,” 27east.com, September 25].

The lawn sign season typically plateaus in early to middle October, and, man, is it ugly. Half of them break from the wind, wind up in the road and make our highways look like dumping grounds for trash. I saw one planted in front of a memorial park the other day and was disgusted by the disrespect.

I think that Councilwoman McNamara is speaking for the vast majority on this issue, and I thank her for her efforts on our behalf.

Craig Catalanotto
