Preserve and Protect - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2191279
Aug 21, 2023

Preserve and Protect

Thank you for your story on the effort to protect Bridgehampton [“Long Held Goal of Creating Historic District in Bridgehampton May Become Reality,”, August 2]. It is urgently needed.

As I’m sure you know, in recent years we’ve barely dodged proposals for development (CVS, Equinox, destruction of the open space by the Historical Society) that would have done permanent damage to the character and quality of life here. Even now, we are watching the project by Farrell turn a section of the village into a suburban office park.

Efforts to preserve and protect what we love about the area are always up against the money/influence of developers who, more often than not, find compliant local officials willing to permit their projects no matter how destructive (the condominium complex stuck in the heart of Water Mill, the proposed “mall” in Wainscott).

There are few places where voices in support of preservation/conservation, sustainable development can be heard, apart from Town Hall hearings, where concerned residents appear before the condescending smirks of complicit local politicians.

Thank you for bringing attention to these issues.

Gasper Tringale
