Protect Our Water - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 1681672

Protect Our Water

This letter is to our town’s elected officials, appointed officials and the community. We look to those who govern, monitor developments and are tasked with addressing public health to also look after the well-being of homeowners and their rights.

We are reading about pollution in groundwater all over Long Island created by commercial entities. This groundwater is where drinking water and home wells are drawn from, and this water has been infiltrated by chemicals and contaminants.

Just as the town addresses the rights of developers, our officials should consider the rights of homeowners to have clean drinking water.

In the draft report for the Southampton Tennis Club and Camp, as a condition for approval, there should be a requirement for testing of home wells and testing of downstream groundwater and Little Fresh Pond. This was requested verbally during the public comment period, and also submitted in writing to the Planning Board; this testing requirement was not in the draft report presented to the Planning Board a couple of weeks ago.

I wonder how this request can be disregarded. It is not correct for a commercial site to add so much volume of wastewater to the groundwater and have potential impacts be ignored. Homeowners’ wells need to be monitored before, during and after camp season. Also, the groundwater downstream from the camp and the recreational waters of Little Fresh Pond need to be tested for the chemicals and products used at this camp.

Please do not ignore the rights of the community in favor of the camp developer. Release of wastewater on a commercial scale infringes on the rights of homeowners who have private home wells. Please protect the groundwater used by town residents and require monitoring of home wells, groundwater and Little Fresh Pond.

Thank you for addressing concerns from residents.

Larissa Potapchuk

North Sea

Ms. Potapchuk is a member of the Little Fresh Pond Association — Ed.