Questionable Decisions - 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2156744
May 8, 2023

Questionable Decisions

Last week’s article focused on familiar voices from Hampton Bays [“New Voices, Applause for Hampton Bays Downtown Revitalization Concept at Express Sessions Event,”, May 3] was a good reminder of how much those voices should be appreciated. Actual residents of Hampton Bays who volunteer to spend their free time researching, writing letters, and attending public hearings and meetings, and questioning or disagreeing with the Town Board, deserve recognition for all their hard work.

“Checks and balances” are intended to protect against abuses in government. As there are no checks and balances in town government, this time-consuming task falls to members of the community.

That these voices are familiar is because the town is continuously and relentlessly making questionable decisions.

The Press event was open to everyone. Judging by the attendees’ responses, The Press notes that there are a lot of voices in Hampton Bays. It’s amazing that all those voices from residents and businesses in Hampton Bays were able to get together for the event. On the other hand, it’s not amazing, since the event was publicized pretty much as a rally in support.

I watched the Sessions video and have seen the concept drawings. They somewhat clarified the Caiola/Schneiderman development but left many outstanding unanswered questions.

Mary Pazan

Hampton Bays